Turn To New Media
Business Development for your Startup - Everything you need to grow your new business with ZERO upfront expense.
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Are you a New Company or Startup looking to grow your business?
Let Turn To New Media Business Development
get your business off the ground with NO upfront costs.
In the game of chess one must understand their opponent by studying their strengths and weaknesses. To forge ahead and win, one must know the opponent's history, how he or she reacts to certain situations, and plan a road map to success.

Are you a startup company seeking sales and marketing expertise but cannot afford the expense of an employee?
Do you want to pay only when you are paid?
Turn to New Media Business Development is the ONLY company in New England with everything you need
Find All Your Answers Here.
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Experience: The Foundation of Expert Marketing and Sales Consulting
Experience: The Foundation of Expert Marketing and Sales Consulting
Turn To New Media New England found his passion for Marketing after years of working hard in the trenches selling a broad spectrum of goods and services to a wide range of customers. Whether it is hands on experience with door to door direct marketing to a business’ customer base or selling goods and services to Fortune 500 companies based out of Manhattan, John has done it.
Nothing can replace direct, long term experience being in the trenches working to build trust and new business. […]
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Experience: International Business, Travel, and Cross Cultural Communication
Turn To New Media New England has a firm foundation to be the best sales and marketing consultant available today. In-the-trenches, real experience in sales and marketing that will ensure synergy between your marketing campaigns and sales efforts. Want to make the most of your revenue and market expansion efforts? John also has personal experiences unique and essential to our ever shrinking business world.
Read MoreHow is Marketing Your Business in Rhode Island Different from EVERYWHERE Else?
Let’s face it – Rhode Island citizens are like no other people in the world. We have our own vernacular, our own style, our own attitude, and our own preferences. If a local business in the Ocean State wants to market and sell products and services, it helps to follow some sage advice... […]
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Strategic Go-To-Market Expertise for Startup Businesses